Long time no post! Life's been kind of crazy here the last few days. My dad fired his Office Manager for... well, let's just say she didn't fill the position as well as she should have. So I've been in fixing up the mess she left behind and preparing everything for my sister to take over tomorrow. I will be training her in office tomorrow and possibly Thursday, then I can get back to life as normal. At first it was kind of nice being back to work, but now I've gotten it out of my system and want to be done with it.
I haven't gotten much knitting done the last few days because of said work. But I have been doing a bit at night while we're relaxing. Ben and I have been watching Stargate SG-1 on Hulu for the past few nights, and I'm caught up in it enough that I need knitting that I don't need to look at. Actually I'm caught up in it a lot. I always saw my mom watching it when I was younger, but always kind of scoffed and blew it off as nerdness. I was wrong. Man, it's a good show. Really addicting! So I've been working on Josh's blanket, which is plain garter stitch. I got to the cast off edge last night and once I finish that I'm done! I'm debating putting an edging on it. I'm not sure about that yet, will have to see when it's all finished and lain out.
Speaking of scoffing at things, I started watching Dr. Who on Netflix Instant the other night, and before long Elliot and Pete were hooked. Emilie watched two episodes, but found the show upsetting because a few people die in every show. Other than that, we lurve it!